Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Chocolate Touch

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"The Chocolate Touch," by Patrick Skene Catling.  This story is a funny twist on the legend of King Midas, a boy acquires a magical gift that turns everything his lips touch into chocolate.  Can you ever have too much of your favorite food?

Amazon Customer Review:

 Touch is a take-off of the King Midas story. But, instead of turning everything he touches to gold, John Midas finds that everything he touches with his lips turns to chocolate. Of course, at first, he thinks this is great. But as time passes, John finds life is getting difficult. When he forgets and kisses his mother, he really begins to panic. This is a classic, be careful what you wish for story one that all kids will love. Easy to read with funny story events that keep kids turning pages to the end. Highly recommended for 2nd - 4th graders. [by Roz Levine May 25, 2000]

A note about the Author:

Patrick Skene Catling (born 14 February 1925) is a British journalist, author, and book reviewer best-known for writing The Chocolate Touch in 1952. He has written 12 novels, 3 works of non-fiction and 9 books for children.

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